Sunderland and Houghton-le-Spring Districts jointly manage a fund to support entrepreneurs from Scout Sections across the City of Sunderland. A £10000 fund has been provided by the former Vaux Brewery and aims to promote enterprise and business skills among scouts. The Challenge aims to develop Scouts’ nature for enterprise through activities which enable them to set up, or create an idea for, a Scouting enterprise or business. Scouts will need to demonstrate an aptitude for understanding the Mind for Business principles.
The Enterprise Fund
The badge will be awarded to groups of Scouts for demonstrating a Mind for Business by creating a successful Scouting enterprise.
Examples may include:
Operating a hand car wash
Operating a bedding plants business
Selling unwanted goods at local car-boot sales.
The fund will provide up to £250 per project to get things started. Young people are expected to double the initial investment either in money or in 'social capital', meaning the value to the local community.
Who gets the money?
The fund's trustees, formed by volunteers from both Scout Districts will judge each project on its merits.
In deciding to support an application the trustees will consider:
that the project is youth led
if the scheme is realistic
if the scheme is linked to the troop's programme
has the support of a named adult leader
There is no limit to the number of applications a scout troop may make to the fund, though young people may only take part in a project once during their scouting career.
Each year, trustees of the fund will award an additional £100 prize to the project which is deemed to be the best example of enterprise in action.
How it Works
1. Plan an enterprise activity with a group of scouts from your troop.
2. Discuss the idea with your Scout Leader.
3. Make a first, quick application to the fund.
4. Fund Trustees will ask you to plan your idea in more detail and then make a pitch in 'The Den' for up to £250. The trustees will provide some help and advice as you prepare your idea.
5. If your team are successful you'll leave the Den with a cheque for up to £250 to begin your project.
6. Your Scout leader will be asked to look after your project and help you spend the funds, keeping the receipts.
7. The trustees of the fund will ask you to report back on your project within 12 months and explain how it went.