Financial Support
Our adult team is here to help
Supporting young people to access adventure is what we do - we're keen to help! We have fundraising and funding opportunities (below) but we can support in other ways too, regardless of your circumstances.
You can have a confidential conversation with the leader in charge (LiC) of the event.
To ask for the LiC's direct contact information, email
Our events team will send you the LiC's direct contact info.
Funding opportunities
Young people attending events may be eligible for funding, from a national grant, towards the cost of their place, depending on family circumstances.
Your family may be eligible national grant scheme for up to 50% of the cost of a place on an event.
In addition, local scout groups may have funding processes in place and you could speak to your section leader or group scout leader.
For an idea of the eligibility criteria you may need to fulfil is below
We can provide support towards some of the activity cost if a family is in receipt of/eligible for one of the following:
total household income level below £20,000
young carer
looked after child (in care)
free school meals or pupil premium funding
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
income-related Employment and Support Allowance
support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Child Tax Credit and annual income does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by HMRC
Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Housing Benefit
Disability Living Allowance (related to the young person or parent)
guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Click here to submit your evidence using our confidential form.
We prefer payments by BACS to:
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Acc No: 00018186
Ref: [Young person's name] - 'EVENT'
Email to confirm payments have been made.
Please contact the event leader ( if you would like to pay by cheque.
Please do not send payments via local scout leaders.
Fundraising opportunities
Scouts and explorers have the opportunity to fundraise at a variety of fundraising events across the year. Each fundraiser raises money for a specific event. Events are bookable on a first come, first served basis.
From a bag pack, you should expect to earn around £7-£8 per hour towards the cost of an event, though this does vary!
Below are our latest fundraising opportunities:
Supporting the cost of activities and events
Adventure and developing skills for life in young people is at the heart of what we do. HLS events runs a wide range of activities and events for the 950 young people in our scout district.
Our adult team appreciates events cost families' money and we're keen to help support funding and fundraising young peoples' adventure where needed.