Adult Awards
We now have our own local awards committee, who work anonymously to process any recommendations for awards. Some recommendations are approved at a local level by our committee, and some would be forwarded onto headquarters for approval. You can submit award requests by completing the relevant form and sending it to
Length of Service Awards:
Length of Service Awards are what most members will receive during their service. These are still automatically issued by Gilwell when they become due.
Good Service Awards:
The Awards below are to celebrate exemplary service. It is very unlikely that these would be awarded for a person's main role. They are intended for where nominees have served further than the normal level of service. This could be by holding multiple roles over a number of years, or by extraordinary commitment to a single role.
Chief Scouts Award
The Award of Merit
The Bar to the Award of Merit
The Silver Acorn
The Bar to the Silver Acorn
The Silver Wolf
The award is first nominated by the group/or a member. The paperwork is submitted to the local awards committee. The paperwork is then either approved locally or passed onto the relevant level for approval.
Nomination forms for Good Service and the Award for Merit can be found here.
Nomination forms for the Bar to the award of Merit can be found here
Nomination forms for The Silver Acorn, Bar to the Silver Acorn and Silver Wolf can be found here.
Support on how to write a good citation can be found here.
Full information regarding the awards can be found here.
When recommending people for awards, please keep in mind:
To be awarded a Good Service Award the nominee must meet the following criteria which applies to all awards:
The Good Service Awards are open to any adult who holds an adult appointment as a member or associate member of the Scouts.
They must hold a valid disclosure (if required).
They must have completed any mandatory training relevant to their role (or be within three years of appointment of the role/s).
Gallantry & Meritorious Conduct Awards:
Gallantry awards are considered where an individual has put their own life at risk, whilst undertaking a meritorious act.
These awards are for individual youth and adult members, skills instructors, occasional helpers, administrators and associate members who have conducted themselves with great merit, in the face of personal danger.
Further information can be found here.
Anyone can nominate a member for an award subject to the criteria being met, but also remind leaders that this is a celebration of a member who has gone further than what is expected of them.
You can submit award requests by completing the relevant form and sending it to